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LLP International Group

Focus on higher bonding tapes

We always hear your voices

LLPT tapes availability in UK market!
Source: Company News | Author: LLP Inc. | Published time: 2019-09-25 | 1948 Views | Share:
LLP starts selling LLPT tapes on Amazon UK on Oct 28 2019!
LLP Inc. is glad to share that LLPT tapes will be available on UK market by Oct 28 2019 with Amazon Prime offer, 1 day delivery. LLP Inc. is dedicated to provide prompt customer services and ensure a wonderful shopping experiences to all of our valuable customers.

LLP Inc. chose Amazon is because Amazon provides 30 days free return policies with Prime members and also LLP Inc hereby gurantees hassle free refund if our product does not meet your requirement of performance.

Your voice is always helping us grow and look forward to serve you in UK markets!